Perogy Brigade
Beginning in 1971, Paraskevia Kawchuk, Anna Melnychuk and Kay Tesluk, all members of the Apostleship of Prayer, began to produce and sell perogies in the parish hall. Father Myron Daciuk, OSBM assisted them in the buying of utensils and with the delivery of the perogies to Immaculate Heart of Mary School bingo and to other such venues.
In their first year, this group made a profit of $1000, which was donated to the church. Since that time, the sale of perogies has provided much needed funds for the church, From 1974-1984, the sum of $95,000 was donated to the church from perogy sales, which contributed significantly to the paying-off of the church mortgage.
The perogy brigade also provides voliunteer outlet and fellowship for retired ladies and gentlemen alike. Every Tuesday morning, from 8am to 11am, approximately 10 volunteers peel potatoes while on Wednesday mornings, about 34 volunteers make the perogies, starting at 4:30am and finishing at approximately noon.
Theresa Antoniuk interviewed by the Free Press