Men's Club - Bingo
Various men's groups and organizations have existed at the parish since its
inception. The most recent form of a men's club was founded on January 23,
1965, by Father Volodymyr Shwechuk, OSBM; Paul Maychruk became the first
This club is
"...a brotherhood that provides a forum in which participation by the layman is carried-out in a practical way. Here we meet, discuss matters pertaining to our Ukrainian Catholic Church, offer suggestions, give ideas and do some work. Everything we do in the club serves to promote the cause of God, Church and our people."
(from the first Newsletter, May 1968).
The most well-known event organized by the Men's Club, is the Annual Ukrainian Sportsman's Dinner. This fundraising event was begun in 1965. The Men's Club also looks after ushering at the parish and runs a Wednesday Night Bingo in the Parish Hall.
Cureently, Father Isidore Dziadyk. OSBM is Chaplain of the Men's Club and Peter Skrinski is its President.